Contact Info
Eagles Club #350
Brian Lyons
227 10th St NW
East Grand Forks, MN 56721-1505
Phone: (218)773-2445
Fax: (218) 773-2446
About Us
For more than a century, the Fraternal Order of Eagles has had a major positive influence on our region, nation, world... And most importantly on our communities.
It was the Eagles who pushed for the founding of Mother's Day, who provided the impetus for Social Security and, who pushed to end job discrimination based on age. The Eagles have provided support for medical centers across the country to build and provide research for medical conditions — we raise millions of dollars every year to combat heart disease and cancer, help handicapped kids, uplift the aged and make life a little brighter for everyone.
The Eagles are hometown builders. We support our police, firefighters, and others who protect and serve. We fund medical research in areas such as spinal cord injuries, kidney disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's. We help raise money for our communities...we are the Eagles and we are "People Helping People."